Guest Services at Universal Studios Tours

There are many services that will help you enjoy
your day at Universal Studios, and you should
definitely take advantage of the ones that apply to
your situation. The folks at Universal want you to
have a positive experience, and these services are
meant to help you do just that.

There is a ‘Will Call’ service located right outside the
gates. Here, you can have tickets that were
purchased online reprinted if necessary, get ticket
reservations, or put your pet in a kennel. Also located
outside the gate is the Group Sales Window. Here,
you can renew your annual passes, or replace lost
annual passes. The Annual Pass Center is also
located here.

The Guest Relations booth is where you will find
visitor information concerning hotels, campsites,
and other interesting things to do in the area. You
can also get assistance and guides for guests with
disabilities and audio assist units. Travel assistance,
lost and found, and the lost children’s center are also
located in and near the Guest Relations booth.

Strollers and Wheelchairs are available for rent in the
upper lot. Lockers, where you can store your items
for the day, are also available. ATM Machines are
located at the main entrance and in the lower lot by
the Jurassic Cove CafĂ©. You may use traveler’s
checks and credit cards at the ticket booth and in
the gift shops. Checks are not accepted at
Universal Studios, and proper identification is
required for the use of credit cards and traveler’s

First Aid is located in the upper lot near Animal
Planet Live. There is another first aid station inside
the Jurassic Park Visitors Center, which is situated
in the lower lot. There are eight designated smoking
areas, which are indicated on the park map.
Smoking will not be permitted in any other areas of
the park.

You should also take advantage of the Package
Deliver Service at Universal Studios Tours. This
service will allow you to buy merchandise, and then
pick it up near the exit before you leave. The package
pickup is located near Universal Film Company.

Again, all of these services are designed to make
your visit to Universal Studios Tours more enjoyable.
If you have any problems at the park, including
problems are situations that are not discussed
here you should find a staff member and request
assistance. They will do everything within their
power to help you rectify your problem, and
continue with your Universal Studios Tour.